HeartFire Festival Oakland

30mayAll DayHeartFire Festival OaklandWhen Prayer Meets Celebration, Sparks Will Rise!(All Day: saturday)(GMT+00:00)

Event Details

In addition to bringing you the best lineups the independent festival scene has ever seen, HeartFire is also providing affordable access to doctoral-level education about ancient spiritual traditions from a diverse range of cultures around the world, as taught by real elders and lineage holders with a progressive, universal approach.

In our busy modern society, we long for meaningful experiences, connections, and opportunities to celebrate togetherness. That’s why we are creating a gathering that’s held in a grounded manner, to facilitate deeper connections and authentic transformation.

Join us for HeartFire Festival: An InterSpiritual Gathering for Conscious Creativity… Come play, heal, dance, & grow in an intentional container of new-paradigm culture and community!



All Day (Saturday) MST(GMT+00:00)

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