Worldchangers Organization
for Inner World Peace
interdisciplinary nonprofit • international movement • interspiritual school
Our events have reached thousands of people and meaningfully transformed many lives. Our lineups have included artists like Matisyahu, Amber Lily, Trevor Hall, Lotte Walda, Desert Dwellers, Porangui, Sri Kala and Lily Fangz alongside Rabbis, Sufi Sheikhs, Rinpoches and Indigenous Elders teaching subjects like Meditation, Kabbalah, Shamanism, Yoga and Martial Arts. We have partnered with various institutes to host HeartFire Festivals across the continent, at locations like Naropa University in CO, The Abode of the Message in NY and Place for Sustainable Living in CA.
Our global network includes a 40-acre ecovillage, located on sacred valley land in Colorado, due East of the great Tava-kaavi (or “Sun Mountain”), which is an indigenous (Uto-Aztecan) name for the sacred mountain famously known as Pikes Peak. As a creative events venue, holistic healing center, educational campus and spiritual retreat space, Sanctorum Ecovillage provides its own solar power, well water, community housing and permaculture gardens for growing vegetarian food, building soil health and planting native trees to create a verdant and thriving ecosystem.
Our educational academy is a universal mystery school using practical and deeply traditional forms of higher learning to change lives, grow community, and promote peace. We are currently developing the curriculum for what may become an accredited degree program and accepting applicants for enrollment in the upcoming semesters.
Doctoral Jungian Psychology meets the ancestral healing modalities of traditional medicine to birth a new paradigm with an integral and holistic approach to cultivating deep soulful vitality using the psychosomatic disciplines and preventative wellness practices of humanity’s ancient initiatic lineages, supported by cutting edge discoveries in modern science.

Worldchangers Organization 501(c)3 for Inner World Peace is an interdisciplinary nonprofit, international movement, and interspiritual school. We are dedicated to the vision of a new planetary paradigm, where people live in harmony with the cosmos, nature, each other, and themselves. We recognize community service as a vehicle for consciousness expansion and personal maturation, which also leads to collective transformation on a larger scale. Therefore, our Two Pillars are Inner Work for Global Change and Global Work for Inner Change, and our Eight Limbs are Creativity, Healing, Education, Sustainability, Spirituality, Leadership, Diversity, and Reciprocity.
“We recognize this time as a critical turning point in world history and are here to serve the establishment of a new paradigm on planet Earth — one where humans can live consciously, in solidarity with each other and in harmony with nature.”

february, 2025
HeartSparks Radio
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