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Yasha Wagner
Role Title
Yasha is a renaissance being, a visionary MC, and the founder of Worldchangers Organization 501(c)3 and its Eight Limbs initiatives. He is also a certified T’ai Chi & Qi Gong instructor, Primordial Breathwork facilitator, dream-reader, and an initiated Sufi Dhakir with the Inayati-Maimuni Order in Reb Zalman’s lineage. As a student of the Inter-Tribal Altar, Yasha leads healing workshops and rituals with the authorization of his Taino elder, MMR. Having completed his Bachelor’s Degree in World Wisdom Traditions at Naropa University, Yasha is now in a full time PhD program for Jungian Psychology. Since early childhood, Yasha has lived and traveled all over the world, while actively receiving and sharing a diverse range of interspiritual, initiatic, and transformational practices.

Ashke Zinctala
Ashke Zinctala loves plants, the forest, community, and cats. She is guided by the deer, coyote, bluebird, and cat, and finds freedom in dance. She specializes in management of all kinds, belongs to photography and writing, and creates sacred medicinal salves & tinctures. She is a descendant of Luther Standing Bear and granddaughter of Jacqueline Left Hand Bull, both members of the Sicangu Lakota.
Left Hand Bull is an appointed Continental Counselor, the highest office of individual standing in the religion, of the Baha’i faith, and is the Chair of the National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha’i. Luther Standing Bear (December 1868 – February 20, 1939) was a Sicangui and Oglala Lakota chief notable in American history as a Indian author, educator, wisdom keeper, and actor of the twentieth century. Standing Bear wrote and spoke to preserve Lakota tradition and culture and was at the forefront of the movement to change government policy toward Indigenous Americans. His writings are credited to have brought awareness to the American public of the ways in which American Indigineous culture honors and respects the sacredness of the natural world.
Ashke hopes to honor her ancestors by carrying this wisdom, spreading the medicine and shining light on her shadows. When we heal ourselves, we heal the world. When we heal the world, we heal ourselves.

Naku Kiwanuka
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Alec Arshavsky
Web Master
Alec has been an integral part of Worldchangers Organization since it was first conceived. He has a degree in electrical engineering from Stanford University and is focused on applying technology to a heart-centered paradigm shift for planet Earth. In high school, Alec created an algorithm that automates part of the corneal transplantation procedure, which saves the eyesight of countless individuals every year. As a result, he became a 2014 finalist for the Intel Science Talent Search competition, had a minor planet named in his honor, and traveled to the White House to meet with President Obama.

Sam Newman-Plotnick
Born to a Jewish family in Upstate New York, Sam Newman-Plotnick holds a degree in labor relations from Cornell University and is thrilled to be collaborating on HeartFire Festival. He worked as a disc jockey with his college radio station, and has always sought to support the arts, seeking new avenues for empowering creativity ever since leaving radio. Despite his academic training and his intellectual background, Sam has come to value unlearning and deprogramming above the dominant paradigm of conventional scholarship. Rather than participating in the commercial music industry, Sam is particularly drawn to the sacred songs of shamanic healing traditions and is interested in supporting grassroots initiatives that provide wider access to those songs. Most of all, Sam is grateful to the Worldchangers movement for providing him with opportunities to study music, ancient practices, healing arts, and especially his own Abrahamic roots — via the mystical teachings of Sufism and Kabbalah. He is inspired to see that the spiritual work he is involved with is rippling throughout our modern culture and making a positive impact on Planet Earth! Considering his passion for supporting the movement and his background experience with grassroots fundraising initiatives, Sam was elected to serve as the grant writer for HeartFire and related projects.

Worldchangers Organization is an interdisciplinary 501(c)3 nonprofit and spiritual school dedicated to personal transformation and inner peace as a vehicle for global transformation and peace in the world. As a public charity and a youth-led international movement our primary initiatives include: Education, Creativity, Healing, Sustainability, Diversity, Leadership, Spirituality, and Reciprocity.
Our Nonprofit
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