Who We Are

Stefanny V. Wagner & Jacob S. Wagner 
Jacob & Stefanny Wagner are the leading presidential board members on the legal Board of Directors for the Worldchangers Organization 501(c)3 recognized public charity. Together, they have made Worldchangers Organization into a family-run nonprofit and into the foundation of their shared lifework and mission on Earth.
Jacob is an emcee, polymath and founder of Worldchangers Organization 501(c)3 and of its many initiatives. Having completed his Bachelor’s Degree in Comparative Religions at Naropa University and his Master’s in Jungian Psychology at Pacifica Graduate Institute, Jacob is now completing his PhD in Psychology, in the research and dissertation writing stage. As a martial arts instructor, certified by Rocky Mountain Tai Chi, Jacob also leads workshops and retreats. Since childhood, Jacob has been traveling around the world, sharing a wide range of creative work. He lives happily with his beloved wife and community in Colorado. Lately, this includes farming vegetables, digging trenches to install solar power, building pavilions and producing the Colorado Sustainable Living Conference.
Stefanny is a visual artist and musician, with years of experience leading voice-opening song classes and dance workshops across the Americas. Born and raised in South America, Stefanny is descended from the native pueblos of the Muisca lineage in Colombia and the Inca lineage in Peru. She is also a skilled chef and traditional artisan, preserving and carrying forward the cultural and ancestral crafts of weaving and beadwork. She now lives in the beautiful landscapes of Colorado with her husband, sharing her gifts with the local community that she calls home.

Alec Arshavsky
Co-Founder & Vice President
Born in Boston, MA, Alec has been an integral part of Worldchangers Organization since it was first conceived. He has a degree in electrical engineering from Stanford University and is passionate about using technology to support positive transformation in the world. In high school, Alec created an algorithm that automates part of the corneal transplantation procedure, which saves the eyesight of countless individuals every year. As a result, he became a 2014 finalist for the Intel Science Talent Search competition, had a minor planet named in his honor, and traveled to the White House to meet with President Obama.

Pir Netanel Miles-Yepez
Worldchangers Advisor
Netanel Miles-Yépez is an artist, philosopher, religion scholar, and spiritual teacher. Deeply involved in ecumenical dialogue for many years, he is considered a leading thinker in the InterSpiritual and New Monasticism movements. After studying at Michigan State University, he moved to Boulder, Colorado to study with the innovative Hasidic master and pioneer in ecumenical dialogue, Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi. Netanel is also the president of Albion-Andalus Publications, author of many books and two films, co-founder of the Charis Foundation, and teaches in the Department of World Wisdom Traditions at Naropa University.

Ashke Zinctala
Secretary & Treasurer
Ashke Zinctala is a Certified Herbalist, Certified Nutritionist, and Bach Flower Essence Practitioner. Ashke is also a Certified TRE® Provider (Trauma and Tension Relief Exercises) and holds a certificate in Trauma-Informed Herbalism from the American Herbalists Guild. She is a descendent of the Oglala and Sicangu Lakota Sioux, and hopes to carry on the legacy of her ancestors with her work. Ashke has also provided a wide range of services for various nonprofits, including The Blind Cafe, Advocates of Change and administrative management with Worldchangers Organization.

Raj Seymour
HeartFire Advisor & Sponsor
It wasn’t that long ago that Raj taught wilderness survival skills and environmental education to kids of all ages. One day the principle at one of the high schools he worked at, asked him to lead Yoga and Meditation class. After finishing the 200 hour training Raj went on to get teacher certifications in AcroYoga, and with the YogaSlackers. He found that both of these training’s greatly complemented his teaching and created a profound shift in both his personal practice and his life. Raj now co-leads several teacher training programs a year and teaches vinyasa and restorative yoga.

Ian Glycenfer
Grounds-Keeper & Fire-Keeper
Ian Glycenfer is trained as a fire-fighter in Boulder County, and has background experience in various aspects of construction, handy work, landscaping, project management and mechanical work. With Worldchangers Organization, he is in charge of event safety preparations, onsite set up and breakdown procedures including neighborhood relations, volunteer coordination and general campus up-keep. He is passionate about setting up efficient irrigation systems for tree planting projects and taking care of existing infrastructure with an eye on fire-safety and an open-mind.

Julia Burns
Photographer & Chef
Julia became dedicated to still photography during high school where she studied 35mm film processing for 4 years and was astonished by the history surrounding the earliest processes of photo making. Julia went on to continue her education in college, studying digital photography. She became obsessed yet again and fell in love with the endless possibilities accessible through Photoshop and other photo editing software. Julia would often daydream about creating mystical dreamscapes by blending different atmospheres and images together through compositing to make art.
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